Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 16:00
Ticket prices
Adults: kr 105
Students/seniors: kr 85
Children under 16: free
When buying a ticket at the Trondheim Maritime Museum or the Norwegian Museum of Deaf Culture and History (Norsk Døvemuseum), you'll have the right to a ticket price reduction at the Sverresborg museum.
When buying a ticket at the Sverresborg museum, you'll get free admission to the Trondheim Maritime Museum or the Norwegian Museum of Deaf Culture and History.
The offer must be used within a week after the purchase date and is valid only during regular opening hours.
Our visitor address is Kjøpmannsgata 75, you'll find us at Krigsseilerplassen, adjacent to the Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel.
Trondhjems Sjøfartsmuseum